Uses principles of great funny stories with a funny twist the dog therapy.
Keep em coming Tomorrows-Nobody.
You have a new fan!
Uses principles of great funny stories with a funny twist the dog therapy.
Keep em coming Tomorrows-Nobody.
You have a new fan!
It was good man.
But the thing is there are so many of these kind of movies on newgrounds already.
This lacked something new. There was only 1 before that actually added 3D to this.
I really loved that and gave it 5 stars. It was truly epic. This lacked that new new.
-- Sabooo
really loved the ending, was not expecting
Wow this one really made me laugh
Thanks for putting the time into making this. The animation is really amazing, but you know that by now I figure. However this one lacked the wow factor that your first one had. The first part with the grave and sandy, top notch man.The end fight introduction between spongebob and squidward needs to be way more awesome it fell a little short.
As a anime lover I think of fights like naruto vs pain man. Their fight deserves to be way more.
Also after the first one you attracted me to know more about the story, how did plankton get squidward like that? I wanted to see some of the indepth narrative between the characters like in attack on ogre. I know this sounds strange, but I would want to see that more than the sequel of OP 1.
Thanks for the feedback!
12:44 Sabo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Except for the eating shit part, this was pretty good
Really awesome man.
Unique, and well executed, loved the foating ghost horses in the air.
I expected a really filthy version of the naruto opening.
This is just a bad version of naruto opening.
Using more filth and also not making something so similar to naruto but clearly naruto + different would make it a lot better in my opinion
Yeah, you are right. I made that video which is my first to show the audience how similar this naruto op is with filthy frank. I think I put way to much time into this but thanks for your criticism Sabooo, I appreciate your honesty.
Age 29
Game Designer
University of Utrecht
Joined on 3/27/17